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Monday, September 9, 2024




By Doug Krieger

There is a pernicious tendency—due to the insipid quest for control within fallen man—which incessantly raises its ugly head among the shepherds of the sheep of His flock.  I’d like to address this ubiquitous malady in its immediate and prophetic commentary as it pertains to the prophet Zechariah’s amazing address of the same—this may surprise you. 

I don’t expect “commentary agreement” on my exegesis but I’ll be more than satisfied if you get the drift of what I feel the Holy Spirit’s bearing witness in my spirit that we’re on to something here that has major consequence at the “end of time” for the people of God—both Judah (the Jewish Nation) and Ephraim (those among the nations who have entered into Covenant through Yeshua’s Person and Work).

Today’s Judah/Jewish people are seemingly more divided than ever before due to a host of issues—primarily, today, centered on the current distress, wars, hostages, etc., let alone how to address the flagrant rise of anti-Semitism throughout the globe.  Simultaneously, these issues of “domestic division” afflict all the “people of the Book”—namely, those who claim membership in the Commonwealth of Israel who were once non-citizens but who through Messiah have been joined teleologically[i] to the “Israel of God” becoming joint-heirs through the Jewish Carpenter. 

Dr. John Walvoord (past president of Dallas Theological Seminary) once said that the book of Zechariah presented the most stereoscopic eschatology of virtually any book in the entire Bible; rivaling the Revelation extracted from the Isle called Patmos.  Specifically, Zechariah 11-14 speaks in immediate and futuristic implications regarding the Almighty’s dealings with His people—and does so in no uncertain terms.  Our focus resides within the peculiar and rather open-ended reflections concerning shepherding the flock of God either with the “Two Staffs” of the Great Shepherd of the Sheep or via the Foolish Shepherd’s “three shepherds” who await their fate—cutting off!

Inserted within these interpretive ambiguities is the redemptive price of Messiah’s sacrifice and ultimate, I affirm, judgment upon these three shepherds and their ring leader, if you would, the Worthless Shepherd (Zech.11:17).

On the one hand, Zechariah 11:4-17, speaks regarding the differences between the "two staffs" and the dismissal of the "three shepherds" during a 30-day time frame (one month). This is a profound prophecy indeed!

The Identity of the Two Staffs - Thirty Pieces of Silver – and Three Shepherds

The true shepherd's staffs (Beauty & Bonds or Grace & Unity) bespeak of Messiah as the “Great Shepherd of the Sheep” (Heb. 13:20) in that eventually we read He was betrayed for "30 pieces of silver" which "30" is a resemblance of the "30-day month" accorded the "three shepherds" to be DISMISSED in one “30-day prophetic month”!  Obviously, and prophetically, the 30 pieces of silver pertains to Judas' betrayal and, likewise, of the price of Christ’s redemption (silver).  The insertion of these “30 pieces of silver” in the midst of this “shepherding” account makes no sense without Messiah’s intrusion into the prophetic storyline taking place. 

Identity of the Three Shepherds

Insofar as the “prophetic identity” of these “three shepherds”—scores of well-meaning commentaries have been written to ascertain who or what they are:  

  1. "False Prophets" (in general – either past or future) – Vernon J. McGee – p. 967 (Through the Bible Commentary on Zechariah) or . . .
  2. “Priests and false prophets and kings of the Jews, who after the passion of Christ, were all cut off in one time, of whom Jeremiah speaketh, ‘The priests said not, Where is the Lord? and they that handle the law knew Me not; the pastors also transgressed against Me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things which do not profit" Jeremiah 2:8.”  ( Source: St. Jerome, cir. 400 AD)
  3. “The three shepherds whom Messiah removes are John, Simon, and Eleazar, three leaders of factions in the Jewish war [Drusius]. Or, as Messiah, the Antitype, was at once prophet, priest, and king, so He by the destruction of the Jewish polity destroyed these three orders for the unbelief of both the rulers and people [Moore].  (Source:  Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary)
  4. “The Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Herodians (Source:  Biblical Hermeneutics)
  5. “The best explanation is probably the oldest, which sees the three shepherds not as three individuals but as three classes of individuals, namely: the prophets, priests, and kings of Israel” (Boice). The offices of prophet, priest, and king were taken away from Israel after the Roman conquest of Judea and have never been restored – because they are now fulfilled in Jesus Christ. (Source:  Enduring Word)

But we shall discover that the supreme Antitype of Messiah (Zech. 11:15-17) is none other than the very source of this foolishness, this worthless one who would slaughter the sheep of His pasture:  the latter-day Antichrist and the “three shepherds” simply amplify his person and work—today and at his conclusion.

God’s Dealing with His People, His Sheep

Firstly, the Shepherd is determined to feed His sheep—“particular the poor of the flock.”  His dealings in this “feeding” are delineated through the Two Staffs. 

The Staff of Beauty/Grace was "cut in two, that I might break the covenant which I had made with all the peoples” of the land of Israel—SO IT WAS BROKEN ON THAT DAY (vs. 11) and those who were "the poor of the flock, who were watching me, knew that it was the word of the LORD.” Clearly, the Lord spoke to these poor of the flock and they understood why our Lord's redemption was paid in 30 pieces of silver; furthermore, they comprehended the nature of the “covenant” or the “Band/Bond” (i.e., the UNITY or UNION) without “Beauty/Grace” (or “Favor”) would no longer sustain His Ancient People. 

No longer, due to a multitude of false prophets, would the Almighty extend Beauty/Grace toward His ancient people—they would become vulnerable to their enemies because they would have broken their CONDITIONAL COVENANT (i.e., His marriage contract—i.e., the Mosaic Marriage Contract given at Mt. Sinai); thus did He grant the 10 Northern Tribes a “certificate of divorce” nigh 722 years after their initial agreement (Jer. 3:6-10) and would “put away” her sister, Judah; yet He did not remove Judah’s scepter—“The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes”—Genesis 49:10). 

Indeed, His grace and mercy were withheld when Ephraim/Israel was “swallowed up of the nations” (Hos. 8:7-10)—whereas Judah/Israel was scattered among the nations.  No, He did not break His UNCONDITIONAL COVENANTS which He made to Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Joseph (the one, “conditional” was bi-lateral--Mosaic; the other, “unconditional” [the New Covenant]) was unilateral wherein God Almighty would keep it—for these former and latter covenants are irrevocable and immutable).

This being said—that the bi-lateral agreement at Mt. Siani (His marriage accord) was broken in measure (toward Ephraim’s 10 Tribes of the North).  This did not mean (since the Almighty asserted: “I am betrothed to you forever”-Hosea 2:19-23) that He would still find a way to REMARRY His people now “swallowed up among the nations” (Hos. 8:7-10) . . . which He did in fullness in accordance with Romans 7:1-4—to wit: 

“. . . (for I speak to those who know the law—Deuteronomy 24:1-4), that the law has dominion over a man as long as he lives?  For the woman who has a husband is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives.  But if the husband dies, she is released from the law of her husband.  So then if, while her husband lives, she marries another man, she will be called an adulteress; but if her husband dies, she is free from that law, so that she is no adulteress, though she has married another man.  Therefore, my brethren, you also have become dead to the law through the body of Christ, that you may be married to another—to Him who was raised from the dead, that we should bear fruit to God” (Rom. 7:1-4).

Even so they understood that Messiah’s intervention into Israel’s history would bring much greater focus as to His dealings with “All Israel” – but first, Messiah’s intervention on behalf of His sheep:

Messiah’s Redemptive Price & Breaking of Beauty & Bonds

"And the LORD said to me, 'Throw it to the potter'—that PRINCELY PRICE they set on me" (Zech. 11:13). 

Those sheep who are "poor in spirit" can clearly see and understand what is going on here.  Once the 30 pieces of silver were thrown into the house of the LORD by Judas—then, nigh immediately, it was used for the purchase of the potter’s field:

"Then he (Judas) threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed, and went and hanged himself . . . and they (the chief priests and elders) consulted together and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in . . . Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying, 'And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the value of Him who was priced, whom they of the children of Israel priced, and gave them for the potter's field, as the LORD directed me." (See:  Matt. 27:3-10 and Jer. 32:6-9[ii] and Zech. 11:12-13).  

Now, we must understand that the Shepherd’s staff of BEAUTY or GRACE was broken in two.  The initial breaking of this staff has much to do with the other staff of unity—the two staffs are intrinsically connected (the one, Staff of Grace, has an immediate bearing upon the Staff of Unity). 

The Staff of Beauty and Grace “was broken on that day” (Zech. 11:11a).   Yes, at the very time of Messiah’s crucifixion (30 pieces of silver/Messiah's betrayal) His "covenant which I had made with all the peoples" was broken . . . with "all the people" (meaning, I affirm, was with BOTH Judah and Israel) for this was the only covenant (Mosaic Covenant) spoken of at the time of the “30 pieces of silver” (i.e., the crucifixion/redemption) prior to the inauguration of the New Covenant for ALL PEOPLE; however, and in particular, this is when we hear and can readily understand AFTER the 30-pieces of silver we're thrown by Judas into "the house of the LORD for the potter" (eventually for the potter's field where undoubtedly Judas was buried) . . . so it was affirmed on the day that Beauty and Grace were broken:

"Then I cut in two my other staff, Bonds/Unity, that I might break the BROTHERHOOD between Judah and Israel” (Zech. 11:14). 

Thus the BAND/BOND/COVENANT was broken.  This Mosaic Covenant was a bi-lateral agreement (“if you do this, then I’ll do that”—indeed it was a “marriage contract”)—but Israel did NOT keep her/their part of the bargain—therefore, was the Bonds/Bands/Covenant broken and the brotherhood between Judah and Israel shattered once again. 

Indeed, when the first staff—Beauty/Grace—is broken . . . when there is no grace among God’s people, no mercy, then, most certainly, there will be disunity!  It was true at the initial “Breach of Jeroboam” when “officially” the 10 Tribes of the North were divided from the Two Tribes of the South (1 Kings 12-13) . . . and it was true of First Century Christianity between Judah and Ephraim.  And is just as much true today among God’s people who without the beauty of His grace are destined for disunity for the “bond of unity” is broken without the beauty of His grace.

How profound were the Bands/Bonds:  The UNITY of "All Israel" (both Judah and Israel - 2 Northern Tribes and 10 Southern Tribes - between Judah and Israel, Judah and Ephraim/Joseph – NOW BROKEN). 

The "working out" of this disunity took place in the context of Messiah’s first coming (according to the account of the 30 pieces of silver in Zechariah 11:11-13) from His crucifixion unto the first 100-200 years of the newly-formed Ekklesia Jesus was to build.  Eventually, this "staff of unity" was broken - He broke the staff of Beauty/Grace between the "two camps" of Judah and Israel—this led to the division of Judah and Ephraim both before and shortly after Messiah’s first coming.  There were by 200 AD virtually no Jews of Judah found among “the nations” who were turning to Messiah—Ephraim was married to another, even to Him who was raised from the dead and did return as the prodigal son to the Father’s House but Judah, although faithful in the Father’s house/inheritance did abide apart from Ephraim.

It is abundantly clear that Ephraim’s swallowing up by the nations—the prodigal son who left the Father’s house—the wife who committed adultery—provided the Lord, through death and resurrection, the divine right to remarry her in that she was promised to be betrothed to Him forever.  Satan meant the writ of divorce for evil but God meant it for good . . . just as Joseph was rejected by his brothers, so it was for their ultimate good!

Messiah’s redemption shall prevail.  Later in Zechariah 12-14 where His dealings with Judah/Jerusalem/Israel are prophetically designed for the Jews/Judah "to look on Me whom they pierced (i.e., “the pierced One”) . . . Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn" . . . ultimately Judah/Jews/Jerusalem will be brought into full Bonds/UNITY and grace/beauty will prevail in celebration of the Millenarian Feast of Tabernacles (Zech. 14).

The identity of the Worthless Shepherd

Notice, AFTER the Lord breaks the brotherhood between Judah and Israel (a “brotherhood” which had already been broken at the “Breach of Jeroboam” when Judah and Israel were divided into two kingdoms—1 Kings 11:26-14:20), then He speaks of the FOOLISH SHEPHERD or WORTHLESS SHEPHERD . . .

"Next, take for yourself the implements of a foolish shepherd.  For indeed I will raise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for those who are cut off, nor seek the young, nor heal those that are broken, nor feed those that still stand . . . but he will eat the flesh of the fat and tear their hooves in pieces . . . WOE to the worthless shepherd, who leaves the flock . . . a sword shall be against his arm and against his right eye . . . his arm shall completely wither, and his right eye shall be totally blinded" (Zech. 11:15-17).

I believe, as does J. Vernon McGee (p. 969, Vol. 3 – Through the Bible With J. Vernon McGee), this “foolish shepherd” is none other than the Antichrist himself shrouded in prophetic adumbrations.  

Not only is there this "spirit of antichrist" afflicting God’s people today but THE Antichrist allowed by the LORD to wreak havoc upon the sheep of His pasture during his final tenure when he shall be incarnated by Satan himself as was Judas Iscariot—thence to be entitled as the “man of sin, the son of perdition, the lawless one, the desolator, according to the working of Satan . . . THE BEAST” (Luke 22:3; 2 Thess. 2:7-9).  In context, this “Foolish or Worthless Shepherd” is announced in Zechariah 11:8 as the “three shepherds” but is clarified AFTER Messiah’s redemption (Zech. 11:11-13) to be the Antichrist—although many antichrists have gone out into the world (1 John 4:1-3)!

However, it is the "spirit of antichrist" who has already come, and is among us today.  That is what today’s brethren are encountering.  The Anointing from the Holy One, the Spirit of Grace and Truth, abides within His believers but the “spirit of antichrist” mitigates against the Anointing and spreads disunity among the brethren. Ultimately, THE Antichrist shall appear in fullness. 

The Triumph of the Great Shepherd of the Sheep

I affirm that when it says "I dismissed the three shepherds in one month" (Zech. 11:8) that it is a far-reaching prophecy of the "unholy trinity" of the Dragon/Satan, the Beast-Antichrist and the False Prophet/Second Beast (anti-types of the Triune God:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—See:  Revelation 13-14) who shall be judged by the Almighty during the 30 days (one prophetic 30-day month) from the 1,260th day unto the 1,290th day/days of desolation found in Daniel 12:11.

This is reinforced (it’s timing) by the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 who shall ascend after 3 ½ days (1,260 days) of “open persecution” according to Revelation 11:11-13 . . . laying bear the final 30 days between the 1,260th day and the 1,290th day.  Only after the three-and-one-half years, the latter half of Daniel’s 70th Week, do we hear of “Your wrath has come” and these words:

“Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!’” (Revelation 11:15-19, excerpts) 

My conviction is simply that these “three shepherds”—headed up by the “worthless shepherd”—fit the antitype description of the Triune God.  The antitypes are clearly:  the Dragon/Satan cast down to the earth; the Beast or THE Antichrist; and the False Prophet/Second Beast (juxtaposed to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit).  These three shepherds have everything to do with the context of this prophetic declaration which is clearly extended unto the end of days as seen in the remaining chapters of Zechariah 12-14. 

The pouring out of the Wrath of God and the Lamb will occur between the 1260 days and the 1290 days (30 days) of Daniel 12:11 in that there are 1,290 days of desolation.  The futurity of the entire 70th Week of Daniel bespeaks of a 2,520-day period or seven days or 1 year = 360 prophetic days * 7 days/years = 2,520 days (Daniel 9:24-27).   The “days of desolation” extend beyond the 2,520 days and total 2,550 days.  Thus they are equal 30 days beyond the latter half of Daniel’s full 70th Week unto the 1,290th (days of desolation).

The “two witnesses” of Revelation 11 (the two olive trees and the two lampstands) will, after three-and-one-half days or 3 ½ years or after 1,260 days) be “caught up” in the cloud before all those who “dwell on the earth” (Rev. 11).  Then the Wrath of God and the Lamb will be poured out in accordance with Daniel 12:11; Rev. 8:1 wherein there is silence in heaven for ½ hour (30 min.).  His 30-day/30 minute judgment upon this unholy trinity, upon the "three shepherds in one month" is an amazing prophecy.

These three shepherds who shall be DISMISSED (or "destroyed" or "cut off" - i.e. totally eliminated) are juxtaposed to the two staffs (Grace/Beauty and Unity/Bonds) in the hand of the Great Shepherd of the sheep.  Although Grace and Unity have been broken and the unholy trinity of the Antichrist has wreaked havoc (slaughter) upon the earth—“For indeed I will raise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for those who are cut off” (Zech. 11:16)—the Lord will yet climax the ages in dismissing the three shepherds and raising up Messiah in healing the breach of Jeroboam and through grace (the supply of the Spirit of Christ) and unity (i.e., the Unity of the Spirit) bring His people together in triumph over these “three shepherds”—over the “foolish shepherd”—and crush Satan beneath our “united feet” and very shortly (Romans 16:17). 

The Lord has permitted “those who cause division and offenses (who serve) their own belly” among us—those self-serving shepherds (Rom. 16:17-18) to be exposed and their intentions revealed for “by smooth words and flattering speech (they) deceive the hearts of the simple”—therefore, may we be “wise in what is good, and simple concerning evil” so that “the God of peace will crush Satan under (our) feet shortly”! 

Much Grace – Much Unity – this is BEAUTY and these are BONDS which bind together the People of God!  True Grace alone will produce the “unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:3-6) in the Body of Christ—if we make every effort to keep it!

Yes, the one who would “prepare the flock for slaughter—in particular the poor of the flock” will NOT prevail—the foolish shepherd was defeated at the cross . . . “for lo, his doom is sure!” (iii) The Great Shepherd of the Sheep has, will, and forever feed His flock!

Finally, may the brethren replicate the true nature of the Great Shepherd of the Sheep and not that of the “worthless shepherd.”  How?  By doing the exact opposite of this “foolish shepherd” – care for the sheep who have been “cut off” or “cut in two” by supplying them the beauty of His grace and “endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” . . . seek the young sheep—for they are in need of more care . . . heal those who are broken; for there are so many brethren who are inwardly broken . . . and feed those who have gone through so much . . . stay with the flock, build communities secure in their care for one another . . . this is what the Good Shepherd desires to do through those shepherds who emulate the Great Shepherd of the Sheep, our Lord Jesus Christ—and that is precisely what Grace and Beauty looks like!

From the commencement of this prophecy—and although there is/was the breaking of both the staffs of Beauty and Bonds, as well as the ultimate dismissal of the three shepherds and the wrath poured out on the worthless shepherd—yet we have heard our Shepherd:  “Feed the flock . . . so I fed the flock” (Zech. 11:4, 7)—thus does the Great Shepherd of the Sheep “. . . committed them all to disobedience, that He might have mercy on all . . . Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!  How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! – And so ALL ISRAEL will be delivered . . .” (Romans 11:32-33, 26). 

[i] Teleology (from τέλος, telos, 'end', 'aim', or 'goal', and λόγος, logos, 'explanation' or 'reason')[1] or finality[2][3] is a branch of causality giving the reason or an explanation for something as a function of its end, its purpose, or its goal, as opposed to as a function of its cause.[4] James Wood, in his Nuttall Encyclopaedia, explained the meaning of teleology as "the doctrine of final causes, particularly the argument for the being and character of God from the being and character of His works; that the end reveals His purpose from the beginning, the end being regarded as the thought of God at the beginning, or the universe viewed as the realization of Him and His eternal purpose." (Source:  Wikipedia)

[ii] NOTE:  Matthew appears to attribute the prophecy of the 30 pieces of silver to Jeremiah instead of Zechariah?  This is NOT a discrepancy but a profound prophetic outburst!  In Zechariah 11:12 and 13 it clearly states “30 pieces of silver” – likewise the “30 pieces of silver” is rehearsed in Matthew 27:3 but attributed to Jeremiah’s account of 17 pieces of silver—was Matthew amiss? 

Jeremiah’s similar “messianic text” found in Jeremiah 32:9 bespeaks of “17 pieces of silver” used by Jeremiah to purchase the “redemption” or “deed” of the land belonging to Hanamel (meaning “God has been gracious”), the son of Shallum, Jeremiah’s uncle—the field/land was in Anathoth of the tribe of Benjamin (Jeremiah’s birthplace).  Judah was going into captivity—thus, after captivity the progeny of Jeremiah would assert their right to the purchased land; thus was the clay pot concealed with the deed enclosed to prove who the real owner was/is. 

Some commentators see this as an allusion to the redemption storyline relative to Matthew 27:3, however, its profound meaning is prophetic in nature and alludes to the return of the captives of Judah and Benjamin from Babylon—but more so.  Not only would the deed within the clay pot prove it belonged to the prophet (once it was found and the seals removed) when Jeremiah’s progeny returned upon the return of the Jews to Judea in 537 BC under the Decree of Cyrus the Great, King of Persia, but it projects its identification with the return of Messiah to inherit the earth as in:  “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof” during the opening of the 7-sealed scroll/deed found in Revelation 5-6.   

The Usurper, Satan, claims current squatter’s rights over the earth but the day comes when the “seven seals” are broken from the scroll (hidden in the vase, likewise hidden in the good land/earth) whereupon at its unsealing (7-fold unsealing) will reveal who is the real owner of the property—which will be the Messiah.  This is when YAHWEH WILL EXALT (the meaning of the name “Jeremiah”).  The usurper will be ejected from the earth and cast into the bottomless pit (Rev. 20:1-3). 

The 17-pieces (shekels) of silver—the purchase price of Hanamel’s property (deed)—has unique significance in that “17” connotes Messiah’s very Person in that 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17 = 153.  In resurrection Jesus assisted Peter in catching some 153 fish (John 21:11); moreover, Joseph, an archetype of Christ, was 17 years of age when he was sold into slavery in Egypt and his father, Jacob, lived 17 years in Egypt before his death—these 2 sets of “17” act like bookends surrounding Egypt.  Also, Jesus’ first miracle according to the NKJV Study Bible filled up six water pots with 15 firkins of water (a firkin is equal to 10.2 gallons or 15 firkin * 10.2 gallons = 153 gallons of water into wine . . . the terms of 2 or 3 firkins each in the six pots totals to 15 firkins or 3 sets of “2” = 6 + 3 sets of “3” = 9 and 6 + 9 = 15 firkins – so that 15 firkins * 10.2 gals. = 153 gallons)—therefore, 17/153 at the commencement of Jesus’ ministry and 17/153 at the close of Jesus’ ministry (first and last miracles in John’s gospel).  Thus, the “17 pieces of silver” speaks of Earth’s Ownership/Redemption by MESSIAH--REDEMPTION is complete!  Only the Lamb is worthy/qualified to open the seals thereof of the 7-sealed book in proof that He holds the deed!

 [iii] “. . . for lo, his doom is sure” – Quote taken from Martin Luther’s hymn:  A Mighty Fortress is our God, stanza three:

3 And though this world, with devils filled,
should threaten to undo us,
we will not fear, for God has willed
his truth to triumph through us.
The prince of darkness grim,
we tremble not for him;
his rage we can endure,
for lo! his doom is sure;
one little word shall fell him.

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